jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012

X-Mas! X-Mas!

Hi lovers! I hope you apologize me... But these last days I've been really busy, you know... family meetings, long meals, shopping, cooking... Christmas things, obviously, all this stuff it's what it really makes the Christmas feeling!

What has Santa left you under the tree?
Your long list of dreams has come true??

My Christmas tree was mostly full... And I wasn't expected that Santa would be so generous this year so... Fantastic!!!
New shoes, a phone, jewelry, make up and a new camera!

As soon as possible I'll publish just the pictures of all the things that I've done these days.
Lots ofkisses and sparkling diamonds!

XOXO. Eulalia.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hiii:)
    Why don't you post anymore? I liked a lot your blog..

    Vicky xx

  2. I'm just about to post again sorry Vicky! And thanks a lot! xx
